Saturday, June 16, 2012

2 weeks in...

so, it’s taken me a little while to adjust my sleeping to the time change and life here.  The last three nights I finally have been able to sleep through the night and not wake up at 5 in the morning.  Its been glorious.  Except last night I was awoken by something quite different.  Around 3 am I felt a little something jump on my feet causing me to awake abruptly and release a little scream.  a rat...a rat jumped on my feet!  I have no clue what the little thing was after but the rest of the night left me a little sleepless.  Rats in the hostel, in the kitchen, and even on my floor – fine, no big deal.  Rats in my bed – uh, I don’t think so.  What if he nibbled on me?!  So I am currently rat-proofing my room with large rocks…

despite my night filled with the little pitter patters of rat feet, life here in leh has improved every day.  I am getting more and more comfortable in this different lifestyle.  I am also coming to terms with the amount of solo time I have and am getting better daily at controlling my own thoughts.  As a deeply emotional person, this has been hard for me in the past, as I can sometimes get easily overwhelmed [uh consumed, maybe] with my emotions.  But practice makes perfect – well, maybe not but baby steps.  I don’t know that I have allowed myself to be quiet in a long time.  I have kept life busy and moving – maybe intentionally- and so this extreme change in the pace of life here has been jarring.  This is quite possibly the reason my first week here saw many tears – but I’m no stranger to tears and, in fact, I think they can be really beautiful.  As Kahlil says ‘the deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.’  Phew, thanks Kahlil.

Over the past two weeks, SLC has been gearing up for Ladakh’s first annual International Film Festival, which has just finished its second day.  The shan (ladakhi for snow leopard) is the mascot of the festival, which places SLC as the festival’s cause partners.  So since I have been in the office, everything has been focused on preparing for this festival.  For the festival, SLC has a booth with a multitude of activities for festival goers. The first day, the stall saw some interest but since then it has been slow going, which has just been painful for us volunteers.  In the past I have helped plan two smaller film festivals and, in watching how the festival people have planned this one, I’m not entirely sure they have thought most things through.  But nonetheless, it may be good exposure for SLC, as that is not been their strong suit in the past.  Oh, and we all had to wear traditional Ladakhi dresses on the first day – very hot and uncomfortable.

Once the festival has come and gone, Ill get more of a chance to work directly on my project with some of the staff members.  And hopefully Ill get a chance to do some more exploring outside of Leh – I have yet to have a day off from work/the office…

p.s. the internet is weak so pictures aren't working, next time...

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